Young woman with glowing skin blow some snow off of her mitten covered hands
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7 Great Tips For A Natural Winter Skin Care Routine

Taking care of your skin is something you should always pay close attention to, but in the winter, it might differ from your skincare routine the rest of the year. Trust me, as a Canadian woman, I know how the winter weather and climate changes how your skin reacts, often leading to redness, drying, and irritation. Depending on your skin type, this might be anything from rosy red cheeks to extreme dryness and flaking around your nose, chin and hands (especially if you are a homesteader with animals to feed and water).

These 7 tips for a natural winter skin care routine are going to help guide you through the process of adjusting your beauty routine in the winter so that it works better for your skin. Just slight adjustments and adding in more natural products can make all the difference. Plus, winter is the best time for us homesteaders to really focus on taking the time to care for our skin using many ingredients we already have on hand around the home and especially in the homestead kitchen and pantry.

Here are our 7 tips for a natural winter skin care routine.

You are going to learn the following things in these 7 sections:

Keep reading if you want to know how to winter-proof your beauty routine.

Hydrate Your Skin from the Inside Out

If you don’t know already, water is one of the best things you can do for your skin, on the inside and the outside. Let’s be honest, between filling water buckets etc for animals and washing dishes as well as all the other external hydration methods us homesteaders use (which usually just make my hands more dried and chapped!) we should think about what you can do to get it naturally from the inside. This is when it comes down to drinking more water.

With water, you are able to hydrate your skin cells properly, which not only keeps yourskin from getting too dry, but it helps to reduce lines and wrinkles as well. You can also flush out toxins from your body, which also affects your skin, so you have extra bonuses to drinking more water.

Here are some ways to hydrate your skin from the inside out:

Drink More Water

Naturally, the first thing you should do is drink as much water as you can. You can start with a basic minimum of eight glasses of water a day, but keep in mind how much you drink depends on your diet and lifestyle choices. If you eat a lot of foods with high water content, you might not need to drink as much water. Here are some factors to consider
when deciding on how much water you want to drink:

Your personal thirst level
Exercising and being physically active
Your weight and doctor recommendations

At the end of the day, you just want to be hydrated and not thirsty. If you find that you are thirsty, go for a glass of water instead of juice or soft drinks, and you should be able to get enough water each day.

Try Alternative Ways to Consume Water

Drinking enough water isn’t always easy to do, especially when you don’t like plain
water. But that’s okay! There are plenty of alternatives available that will allow you to get
enough water, which ultimately helps your skin and youthfulness. Here are some
alternative ways to get more water into your body:

Eat foods with a high water content. This is one of the easiest ways to stay hydrated
from the inside out, without having to constantly think about drinking water. If you
choose foods with a high water content, you will help stay hydrated. This includes foods
like lettuce, celery, cucumber, and herbal teas.

Try adding flavouring to your water. There are quite a few ways to flavor your water
in order to make it more interesting. You can add slices of lemon or lemon to flavor it
quickly, or use liquid water flavors that don’t add in sugar or calories. It will taste like
juice without all the additives.

Make infused water.  You can also get flavour in other ways. If you start preparing
pitchers of infused water with fruits, veggies, and herbs, you have additional vitamins
and minerals along with water that tastes better. Keep the pitcher in the fridge to have
cold water at all times.

Hydrate the Skin Directly

Hydration starts with what you eat and drink, especially with drinking more water, but
that doesnít mean you canít also hydrate your skin. In addition to using a moisturizer to
relieve dry skin, you can hydrate your skin by rinsing with micellar water or even cooled
tea, like chamomile or green tea.

Why Your Diet is Important for Natural Winter Skin Care

The next thing you need to focus on when you are really trying to winter-proof your
beauty routine also has to do with what you put into your body. Not just with the water
you drink to stay hydrated, but choosing healthy food to provide additional hydration,
and foods that will really nourish you from the inside out, which can make a big
difference in how healthy your skin appears.

Here are some easy tips to follow when you want your diet to help improve the quality
and health of your skin during the winter.

Choose Hydrating Foods

To start with, let’s expand on the foods that have a high water content, and therefore
provide more hydration. This doesnít just include celery and cucumber, though they are
definitely on the list. Try to add more of the following hydrating foods to your regular

Citrus fruit
Bell peppers

Think of foods with a lot of water, moisture, and juice, and that will help you determine
which ones can be the most hydrating for your body, and therefore better for your skin.

Related Post: Refreshing Healthy Antioxidant Berry Beet Smoothies & Recipe

Carrot Cake Smoothie with Coconut Whipped Cream

Focus on Nutrients from Your Diet

You also should think about healthy foods that provide more nutrients to your body and
your skin. A good way to do this is by focusing on a colorful, well-balanced diet. Donít
restrict yourself of entire food groups unless you have a food allergy, such as a
sensitivity to gluten or dairy. Otherwise, really get your nutrients from a wide range of

This might include a plate filled with lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Go for more color, as that helps you to use more veggies and herbs in your cooking,
which is always a good thing. Experiment during the winter and try new things.
Another way to get more nutrients from your food is to choose from the list of
superfoods. Superfoods are foods that are more nutrient-dense, therefore you are
getting a lot more vitamins and minerals just in your diet alone. A healthy diet really
does reflect well on your skin.

Add in Foods That Are Good for Your Skin

There are some foods that are not just high in nutrients and good for a well-balanced
diet, but they are good for your skin specifically. Some of these foods are also
hydrating, so there is an extra bonus. If you want to follow a diet that helps you improve
your skin naturally, here are some to choose from:

Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel
Berries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
Sunflower seeds, raw or cooked
Bell peppers- all colors
Sweet potatoes

Don’t Forget the Exercise

While this is not necessarily related to your diet, it is good to include in this section since
it relates to how you should develop a healthier lifestyle. This will really help your skin a
lot as exercise can boost circulation and will also give you more opportunities to hydrate
even more. Getting your body moving helps your skin and overall beauty more than you
might think.

a glass jar with some lotion inside, some oil in a bottle and a homemade natural chapstick

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Once you have covered healing your skin from the inside out, it is time to add hydration
and moisture on the outside of your skin. Not only should you be using a traditional
lotion and moisturizer on your face and body twice a day, but you can also get even
more moisture naturally. Here are some of the top ways to get natural moisture for your
skin during the winter.


People are often surprised when they learn that honey is good for their skin. The sticky,
rich substance might seem more like a sweet treat you consume, but it actually has
many health benefits. In addition to helping reduce inflammation in the body and
providing you with more antioxidants, honey is also great for your skin. It can help with
irritation, calming sores on the skin, reducing blemishes, and helping fight wrinkles and
fine lines related to aging.

Another bonus? It is a wonderful way to moisturize your skin. You can use honey in a
number of ways to moisturize, from creating your own masks with honey, to using it as
an ingredient in a DIY face scrub. The simplest way to use honey on your skin is to mix
it with some water, mixing it well until it turns into a paste. You can then apply this all
over your face, watching out for your eyes, and let it sit like a mask. You would then
wipe it off with a damp washcloth.

Natural Oils

There are many oils that are good for your skin, so try not to shy away from them.
Having oily skin is not something anybody wants, but these oils actually help your skin,
especially when you need a little extra moisture to help with the dry air caused by the
cold winter season. Here are some oils that are good for moisturizing your skin

Olive oil ~ Olive oil is great for your skin as it provide antioxidants and can really get
into the layers of skin to provide a softness that doesnít make your skin oily. You should
use extra virgin olive oil as it is lighter. This is also going to create an extra barrier of
protection from the sunís harmful UV rays. Most oils have multiple ways to use them for
your ski. You can apply them directly, turn into a scrub, or make your own mask, similar
to honey. Just remember these oils should be rinsed off in most cases.

For your body, olive oil and other oils mentioned in this section can also be added to
your bath, without needing to rinse your body after you get out of the bath.

Coconut oil ~ It should come as no surprise that coconut oil is on the list. Many people
are discovering the long list of benefits of coconut oil for beauty, including for your hair
and your skin. When using it on your skin, make sure you are getting the right variety.
You want extra virgin, organic coconut oil that is unrefined. This means it has not been
overly processed and doesnít have any added ingredients.

Castor oil ~ Lastly, you can use castor oil. This is a bit unconventional, but for intensely
dry skin, it is a definite possibility. Instead of using it as a scrub or soaking in the oil,
castor oil is better to use in smaller quantities. Try adding just a few drops to your skin
at night, focusing only on the dry areas, and letting it soak into your skin.

Aloe Vera

Moving on from the oils, you can also use aloe to help moisturize your skin. Just like
other natural remedies, try to go directly to the source. Avoid the store-bought aloe vera
gel as this often includes additional ingredients. Instead, get an aloe vera tree, remove a
leaf, and cut it open. This will reveal a green gel that can be applied directly to your skin.
It provides moisture, relieves sunburns, and heals many different skin conditions.

If you insist on using a store-bought bottle of aloe vera, look closely at the ingredients
and make sure it isnít loaded with ingredients you donít recognize.


There are also many foods you have in your kitchen that can help with dry skin. Of
course, you always want to take food allergies into consideration. If you have a
sensitivity to avocados when you eat them, chances are your skin wonít like it much
either. However, if you can, use some mashed avocado on your skin. It gives it a nice
lubrication and extra moisture thanks to the healthy fats in avocado. You also get
nutrients like vitamin E, A, and D with this option. You can use the actual mashed
avocado, or just the inner peel after you have eaten an avocado. 

Shea Butter

The last natural moisturizer to consider for your skin during the winter is shea butter.
This is found in many drugstore and high-end moisturizers, lotions, and body butters. It
is thicker than regular lotion, so it really gives you a nice way to soften your skin and
pamper yourself. You can also make your own moisturizers at home with shea butter,
oil, essential oils, and a variety of other natural ingredients.

If you want a more natural skin care product but would like it premade, check out Mooi Natural Essentials Rose Silk Lotion or Coconut Silk Lotion. Both of these products I personally use all the time and would highly recommend!

DIY Masks for Your Skin Using Natural Ingredients

Now that you know some of the top ingredients used to help moisturize your face, you
can put them to good use. As mentioned in the previous section, there are a lot of
options for how you choose to use these ingredients. You can use them on their own
before rinsing off, or you can turn them into a DIY product. When it comes to products
you can make at home, masks really are the way to go.

DIY masks for your skin are easy to make, and most of them use items already found in
your kitchen. This winter season, try some of these easy and healthy DIY masks for
your skin.

Honey and Avocado Mask

This first DIY mask is very easy to do, and only requires 3 simple ingredients:

Ripe avocado
Raw honey
Coconut or olive oil

The amounts are not listed, because that is up to you with the consistency you want.
Make sure it is thick enough to stay on your face without running off, but not so thick
you canít apply it easily.

Brown Sugar and Oil Mask

You can also make a mask for your skin that uses sugar and natural oils, which is going
to gently exfoliate your skin with the sugar when it is applied and rinsed off, plus the oils
help give you the much-needed moisture you need during the winter. This mask
requires these ingredients:

Brown sugar
Olive oil

Thatís all you need! Again, make it according to your preferred consistency. In place of
olive oil, you can use other oils that are good for your skin, like coconut oil or argan oil.

Eggs and Honey Mask

This mask uses egg yolks, honey, and your choice of oil. These three ingredients are
perfect for the mask. The honey and oil is perfect for providing your skin with hydration
and moisture, while the egg yolk has some healthy fats that also help replace the
moisture and help to lift and tighten your skin.

Aloe Vera Mask

The last DIY mask you can make for your skin is another simple recipe that has room
for customizing it. This is the only one on the list that uses aloe vera, a very important
natural ingredient for your skin and overall health. If you have an aloe vera plant at
home, that natural gel is ideal, but you can also get containers or bottles of just the pure
gel, without anything added to it.

For this mask, you will need:

Aloe vera gel
Raw honey

The milk is going to make it a little lighter and easier to work with, though of course you
can use oil in its place if you prefer.

honey in a bowl with a few cinnamon sticks beside it

Use The Magic of Honey To Hydrate Your Skin

While it has been mentioned already, you should really understand the benefits of using honey on your skin. This can be your go-to product to moisturize your skin during the winter, but it also helps you year-round. Here are some excellent benefits of honey for your skin, from hydrating to reducing acne:

Soften Your Skin Naturally

Honey is an excellent way to get more moisture into your skin completely naturally. Get
a type of raw honey, preferably local, to get the most natural and organic product
available. You donít want to use bottled honey you get in your grocery store, since it
might be filled with extra preservatives and sugar.

Get Antioxidants for Anti-Aging

Honey is also filled with antioxidants, so not only is it a good natural sweetener for foods
and drinks, but it provides these antioxidants for your skin as well. This can help slow
down the aging process, helping you to hold onto your youthful appearance for much

Reduce Blemishes and Breakouts

Who doesn’t want a clearer complexion? Honey is great at moisturizing your skin in the
winter, but it also has natural antibacterial properties, helping to clear up your
breakouts. When you use honey on a regular basis, it can also prevent how much acne
you get.

Have Glowing Skin in the Dry Winter Air

Winter is synonymous with causing dry and cracked skin, but when you use honey, you
provide an additional layer of protection. It helps to lock in moisture of your skin, and
can even help your skin glow.

As you can see, honey is wonderful for your skin, which is why it is so highly

How And When To Use Gentle Exfoliation in your Natural Winter Skin Care Routine

The next step in caring for your skin and really winter-proofing your beauty routine is to
add in a little exfoliation. However, your skin might already be a little sensitive from
being dry and perhaps wind-burned if you were outdoors with the cold, brisk winds, so
you should stick to gentler exfoliation. This might not be the time of year for a heavy
exfoliating product that may irritate and burn your skin even more.

Before talking about exfoliation, you should be aware of any skin conditions you have,
whether acute or chronic. If you have cystic acne with open cysts, exfoliation might
cause more harm than good. It is also not recommended for people with rosacea, as it
can irritate the blood vessels in your face and make the redness and pimples even
worse. It is a good idea to run this by your dermatologist before doing any type of

Now moving forward, we can discuss why you should exfoliate and some tips for doing
it in the winter.

Benefits of Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the process of using something abrasive to remove dead skin cells from
the surface of your skin. Even if it looks smooth, you probably have some dead skin on
the surface, which may get moved around and lead to clumping when you add
moisturizer or makeup. The dead skin cells can also clog your pores, leading to
inflammation and breakouts.

Exfoliation uses abrasive ingredients that help to scrub away those dead skin cells and
other impurities, to leave your skin clean and fresh. In the winter, this helps by reducing
drying and allowing your moisture layers to really stick to your skin.

What to Exfoliate With

In the winter, your skin may be dry and irritated, so you should stick to the gentler
exfoliating products. For something natural, think about using a sugar scrub. The sugar
is typically lighter and less abrasive than salt scrubs, so they are ideal for the sensitive
skin on your face and lips. Go all-natural by making your own scrub to exfoliate with,
such as the recipes previously mentioned. Typically, you can combine sugar with a type
of natural oil, and have a good natural exfoliating scrub.

As for frequency, try not to exfoliate every day, unless it is part of your daily cleanser.
Instead, start with once a week, then decide if your skin needs it more often.

Makeup Tips for Cold, Winter Air

The last thing we want to talk to you about is wearing makeup in the winter. There is
nothing wrong with continuing to use cosmetics during this time of year, but you might
want to make a few adjustments. This is just to help with how your skin might be
changing in the winter. This might not apply to you if you live in a mild climate and your
skin has not gone through any drastic changes so far.

Use a Moisturizer with SPF

To start with, moisturizer should be a part of your daily makeup routine. While you
should wear a moisturizer underneath your makeup year-round, it is even more
important in the winter. After washing your face and letting it dry, apply a moisturizer
that has SPF in it. This allows you to skip the sunscreen step unless you have
extremely fair skin and need the added protection. As always, get a moisturizer for your
skin type. I highly recommend the Rejuvenating Daily Sun Cream by Mooi Natural Essentials, I use it myself daily and it has the most wonderful creamy soft texture and subtle scent. 

Wear Primer Underneath Your Foundation

The step after your moisturizer will be to use a primer. This can be done before or after
you apply your concealer if you choose to use it for blemishes and other skin
imperfections. The primer isnít necessarily mandatory, but it can help in a number of
ways. First of all, it provides your skin with another layer of protected from the cold and
dry winds, so that you can hold onto more of your skinís natural moisture.
It also helps your foundation to glide on more smoothly, which gives you a more
flawless finish, even if you are using a lightweight foundation.

Skip the Powdered Products

Since the winter climate can cause a lot of extra dryness to your skin, you donít want to
make it worse by using powder. Try to skip over the main powdered cosmetics you
would typically use, which include:

Setting powder
Powder blush
Powder highlighter

Try a Liquid Highlighter

Most of the powdered cosmetics come in a liquid form, including your highlighter. Your
cheeks probably experience quite a bit of dryness, so you donít want to make it worse
with a powdered highlighter. Instead, get a natural glow with a liquid highlighter instead.
You can also find cream blushes or even use a little lipstick as your blush as long as it is
blended very well.

Make Use of Beauty Blenders and Sponges

Lastly, the application of your makeup will also change a little in the winter. Once again,
you are working with dry skin, so keep that in mind. You donít want to use your hands or
a brush to rub foundation over your skin, as that can move around any flakes you have
from the dryness. This creates clumps and makes your skin look even drier.

Instead, try using a sponge or Beauty Blender. These foam sponges are ran under
water, then wringed out. The moisture helps your foundation to go on smoothly in a
patting motion instead of rubbing it around. This helps get the coverage you want
without creating a problem with your dry skin.

As you can see, it is easy to take good care of your skin with just a few adjustments to
your typical beauty routine. In the winter, just remember the following points:

You need to add in more moisture and hydration
You should use as many natural products as possible
Oil and honey is your friend
Exfoliation is okay, as long as you are gentle
Your skin type makes a big difference in your winter beauty routine

If you keep these points in your mind, you will have beautiful, glowing skin all winter

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