Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018
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Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Hello friends and welcome to our first Just Dabbling garden tour of 2018!

Before we get started, I just wanted to remind you that I am not a perfect gardener so you will see weeds and a few other things you wouldn’t see on a perfect Instagram or Pinterest post. But, here’s the thing, this is real life and I personally love to see other people’s real life gardens, even if they aren’t “perfect”. I figure maybe, you are like me and would enjoy that too. I mean sure, I would love to have perfect weed-free beds and perfectly defined walking paths and honestly lots more production, but this is my reality right now and within my reality includes modern life of running 3 kids around to their various activities and friends houses, working a sometimes part-time, sometimes full-time job to help support those kids and our little homestead.

I would love to do a series of feature posts on all sorts of gardens from all over the world so please, if you have your own “imperfect” garden and you would like to be featured on this blog, please contact me at sam(at)justdabblingalong(dot)com and then we can all be inspired by each others imperfections.

Without further ado, my imperfect dabbling homestead garden:

Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

The photo above is taken from the garden gate looking in. The first three rows you see (between the weeds) is potatoes and the tall darker green to the middle-left are some tomatoes.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Bush beans and little cabbages starting on the left and beets and barlotti beans on the right.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Close up of the beets and barlotti’s. This is my first year trying the barlotti’s so I’m curious how they will turn out.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

I have several types of peppers, these I believe are jalepenos. I like to joke that we live in the desert part of our area (we get full sun and hardly any rain all summer!) so things like tomatoes and peppers love it here.

Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Cucumbers and peppers interspersed (and lots of weeds!).

Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Bean flower.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Love the gorgeous colour of those beet green stems!


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

Zucchini and a couple more peppers.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

The rest of our tomato plants, which aren’t doing as great as the others.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

My one perennial bed so far, this has strawberries and asparagus (gone to seed).

Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

And this is the view taken just behind the strawberry bed out to the rest of the garden. You can see our chicken coop and our tiller that died right there and has been left where it died, oops.


Just Dabbling Garden Tour July 2018

And this last photo was taken from the same place as the photo above, but to the right side. At the very back beside the fence is the zucchini plot and the one in front is a new raised bed I’ve been slowly working on. The next one back is the second tomato plot.

I know it’s hard to see beyond the weeds, but there you have it, our Just Dabbling garden tour, July 2018.

If you would like to see some of the progression of this particular garden spot, you can see some of our past garden tour posts here:

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