
Hello friend!

Woman riding a camel in front of the pyramids in Egypt


My name is Samantha or Sam to my friends, a typical friendly Canadian who loves to explore new places and I am so glad you stopped in to my little part of the blogging world here at Just Traveling Along.

I currently travel when I can when my holiday time from work allows and make the best of the time I have off.

Up till now, I have traveled to three continents and eleven countries and I look forward to exploring many many more in my empty nesting years to come. I especially love exploring this big beautiful country called Canada that I call home.

When I was younger and traveling around Europe solo (I lived in Switzerland for a year), I would meet people and they would ask where I was from and when I said Canada, they would inevitably say something like, “I have a (aunt, uncle, cousin, friend) who lives in __________, do you know that place, or have you been there?” and 9 times out of 10 I would say no. And that got me excited thinking about all the amazing places in my own home country that I wanted to visit and explore.

When I came back to Canada, I got reacquainted with and ended up marrying my high school sweetheart, Pat, and together we enjoyed many road trips and camping excursions and then over the years we had three children who we took on road trips and camping excursions from a very young age.

This past year has been a huge transition time for our family. The first big change came with Pat and I separating after 19 years of marriage and then in the spring of 2023, both of my girls moved out (they are now 21 and 18). My son is the youngest at 16 and so therefore this blog content will be a bit of family travel with teenagers, some will be couples travel and some will be solo female travel as sometimes I go on trips by myself.

I’m a fairly active gal who enjoys skiing, kayaking, hiking, and water sports such as waterskiing and wake surfing. I love exploring new places and learning about the history and culture and food of different types of locations.

woman with a backpack hiking in the fall
Hiking in my “backyard”

About Just Traveling Along

This site was born of two needs:

  1. To share my experiences and to encourage you to not be afraid to get out in this big beautiful world of ours and explore!
  2. To separate my travel content from my other website Just Dabbling Along which is focused on homesteading and all that entails.

I look forward to sharing with you information and encouragement about traveling the world whether that means in your own backyard or far beyond.