Traveling with Kids: 5 Safety Tips All Parents Should Know

One of the things all parents have to learn is how to travel with their children. While traveling with kids isn’t always the top choice by parents, sometimes it’s unavoidable. Even worse, it’s not something that can be learned quickly. It may take several trips to master.

Even seasoned travelers have unexpected issues arise when they travel with their children, so don’t expect to have a perfect trip. However, you should be able to expect a safe trip when traveling with children.

Below are the top 5 safety tips you need to know in order to travel safely with your children:

  • Always use travel seats for children. You may be traveling by plane, but that doesn’t mean your little one doesn’t need a safety seat to sit in. If your child weighs under 40 pounds, then you should bring a safety seat for the plane. Children under two can sit on your lap, but your lap needs to have a safety restraint over it. Obviously, when traveling by car, you should always have your children restrained in their appropriate seats.
  • Make sure they know what to do if they get lost. When your vacation involves a resort or amusement park, the first thing you should do when entering is show them how and where to get help if they need it. Explain how to find a park employee, what to say, and under what circumstances they should ask for help. Consider choosing a designated meeting place where they can go to find you if you become separated. Amusement parks are crowded and noisy, and it’s easy to become lost, so empowering your children to help themselves can ensure they avoid panicking in a scary situation.

Traveling with kids ~ tips on safety


  1. Stay consistent with the rules. When it comes to rules, children aren’t as flexible as we would like them to be. Therefore, it’s best to keep the same safety rules on your trip as you do at home. If they’re not allowed to swim in the pool at home without adult supervision, they shouldn’t be allowed to at Aunt Sally’s house either. Also, since you will be traveling, there may be some additional rules you want to implement. Just make sure to have a family meeting and clearly outline all of the rules (new and old) before you leave for your trip.
  • Bring wet wipes, hand sanitizer and wash hand frequently. When traveling you are always exposed to more germs than you are when you’re at home. When traveling with children, it’s even more important to do everything possible to kill those germs – otherwise, you may end up with a sick child on your trip, which will not be fun. So, carry wet wipes and hand sanitizer with you, using them frequently. When possible, make sure your kids wash their hands before meals and after leaving stores, etc.


Safety tips when traveling with kids
You never know when you might have a noodle face!
  • Be aware of where your kids are at all times. Finally, it’s not the responsibility of the flight attendant, hotel employees or anyone else to watch your children. You need to make sure you know where they are, and what they’re doing, at all times during your travels. This will better ensure their safety, which will make your entire trip a positive experience for everyone.

If you can remember these top 5 safety tips for traveling with kids it can make your trip so much more enjoyable for everyone. And the bonus is if you consistently remind your kids of these when they are little, traveling with them when they are older becomes so much easier!


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5 Safety tips all parents should know when traveling with kids

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